DIY Electronic Project: Creating a Retro Sound Synthesizer Using the AY-3-8913 Sound Chip

DIY Electronic Project: Creating a Retro Sound Synthesizer Using the AY-3-8913 Sound Chip


7 min read


The AY-3-8913 sound chip, a variant of the popular AY-3-8910, is an iconic piece of technology from the golden age of video games and computers. Developed by General Instrument, this chip was used in various 8-bit and 16-bit machines, such as the Atari ST, ZX Spectrum, and MSX, providing a distinctive sound palette that became synonymous with retro gaming. Today, this chip serves as a fantastic tool for DIY electronics enthusiasts looking to build their own sound synthesizers or explore the world of chiptune music. In this article, we’ll walk through the process of building a basic sound synthesizer using the AY-3-8913, from understanding the chip’s features to programming it for generating sound effects and melodies.

Understanding the AY-3-8913

The AY-3-8913 is a programmable sound generator (PSG) that offers three independent sound channels, each capable of producing tones with varying frequencies and envelopes. It also includes a noise generator, enabling it to create everything from simple square wave melodies to complex sound effects. Here are its key features:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Three Independent Channels: Each channel can generate tones with independently controlled frequencies, allowing for polyphonic music or multi-layered sound effects.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Volume Control: The AY-3-8913 provides volume control for each channel, making it possible to create dynamics and effects like fades.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Noise Generation: The chip includes a noise generator, which can be combined with the tone channels for a variety of sound effects like drum beats, explosions, or ambient sounds.

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Envelope Generator: The built-in envelope generator allows you to modulate the amplitude of the channels, adding expressiveness to the sound output.

Project Overview

In this project, we’ll build a basic sound synthesizer using the AY-3-8913, incorporating an Arduino for control. The project will include:

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Power supply and regulation circuitry for the AY-3-8913.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]A digital interface using an Arduino to program and control the sound chip.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]A simple audio output stage for connecting speakers or headphones.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Potentiometers and push buttons for real-time control of sound parameters like frequency, volume, and tone.

Required Components

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]AY-3-8913 Sound Chip: The core component for generating sound.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Arduino (e.g., Arduino Uno): To control the AY-3-8913 and generate the necessary data signals.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Capacitors and Resistors: For power supply filtering and audio output smoothing.

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Potentiometers: For adjusting frequency, volume, and envelope parameters.

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]Push Buttons: For switching between different sounds or sound effects.

[if !supportLists]6. [endif]Speakers or Headphones: To output the generated sound.

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]Power Supply: A 5V power source compatible with both the Arduino and the AY-3-8913.

Step 1: Schematic Design

Before assembling the circuit, designing a schematic is essential to visualize how the components connect. The schematic for the AY-3-8913 sound synthesizer includes the following sections:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Power Supply:

• The AY-3-8913 requires a stable 5V power supply. You can power the chip directly from the Arduino’s 5V output or use an external 5V regulator like the LM7805.

• Include decoupling capacitors (e.g., 0.1 µF) close to the power pins of the AY-3-8913 to reduce electrical noise.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Control Interface:

• The AY-3-8913 has an 8-bit data bus (D0–D7), three address lines (A0–A2), and control signals (BC1, BDIR, and RESET). These lines will be connected to the Arduino’s digital pins, allowing the microcontroller to send commands and data to the chip.

• Pull-up resistors (4.7kΩ) are connected to the control lines to ensure stable logic levels.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Audio Output:

• The sound output from the AY-3-8913 is an analog signal that can be fed to an amplifier or directly to a small speaker or headphone jack. Use a capacitor (e.g., 10 µF) in series with the audio output to filter out DC components.

• For stereo effects or to add depth, connect each of the three sound channels to different speakers.

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Potentiometers and Buttons:

• Connect potentiometers to the Arduino’s analog inputs. These will allow real-time adjustment of parameters like volume and pitch.

• Buttons can be used to switch between different sound modes or trigger effects, providing interactive control over the synthesizer.

Step 2: Building the Circuit

Once the schematic is complete, the next step is assembling the circuit on a breadboard or PCB. The AY-3-8913 should be placed centrally, with its pins accessible for connections to the Arduino and other components. Here’s how to build the circuit:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Wiring the AY-3-8913:

• Connect the data pins (D0–D7) of the AY-3-8913 to digital pins on the Arduino. Similarly, connect the address lines (A0–A2) and the control signals (BC1 and BDIR) to other Arduino pins.

• Wire the audio output pin to the input of a small amplifier circuit or directly to a speaker through a decoupling capacitor.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Connecting the Potentiometers:

• Attach potentiometers to the analog inputs of the Arduino. These will be used to control the parameters dynamically, such as pitch (frequency), tone modulation, or volume.

• Connect each potentiometer’s middle pin to the analog input, and the outer pins to 5V and ground.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Adding the Buttons:

• Connect push buttons to digital pins on the Arduino. These buttons can be programmed to switch between different sound profiles or trigger unique sound effects when pressed.

Step 3: Programming the Arduino

The Arduino acts as the brain of the synthesizer, sending control signals and data to the AY-3-8913. The following code example shows how to set up basic sound generation:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Code Overview:

• The Arduino sends data to the AY-3-8913 using digitalWrite() functions to set the control lines and outputs data through the pins connected to the data bus.

• The code reads the state of the potentiometers and buttons to modify the sound parameters dynamically.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Basic Code Example:

const int dataPins[8] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; // Data bus pins const int BC1 = 10; const int BDIR = 11; const int resetPin = 12;

void setup() { // Set data pins and control pins as outputs for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pinMode(dataPins[i], OUTPUT); } pinMode(BC1, OUTPUT); pinMode(BDIR, OUTPUT); pinMode(resetPin, OUTPUT);

// Reset the AY-3-8913 digitalWrite(resetPin, LOW); delay(100); digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH); }

void loop() { // Example of setting up a tone on channel A writeData(0x00, 0x10); // Set frequency low byte for channel A writeData(0x01, 0x20); // Set frequency high byte for channel A writeData(0x08, 0x0F); // Set volume for channel A

delay(100); }

void writeData(byte address, byte data) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { digitalWrite(dataPins[i], (data >> i) & 0x01); } digitalWrite(BC1, HIGH); digitalWrite(BDIR, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(1); digitalWrite(BDIR, LOW); digitalWrite(BC1, LOW); }

In this code, the writeData function sends an address and data byte to the AY-3-8913, configuring the sound output. The setup() function initializes the control lines and resets the chip, while the loop() function continuously updates the sound parameters based on the potentiometer values.

Step 4: Testing and Debugging

Once the circuit is assembled and the code is uploaded, power up the system and connect the audio output to a speaker or headphones. Here’s how to test and debug the setup:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Initial Sound Check:

• Verify that the speaker emits sound when the Arduino sends data to the AY-3-8913. Adjust the potentiometers to see if the pitch and volume change as expected.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Debugging Tips:

• If no sound is heard, check the wiring of the data and control lines. Ensure that the pull-up resistors are correctly connected to prevent floating signals.

• If the sound is distorted, verify the decoupling capacitors on the power lines and audio output.

Applications and Further Development

With the basic sound synthesizer working, there are numerous ways to expand the project:

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Chiptune Music Player: Program the Arduino to play melodies from classic video games, turning the setup into a retro chiptune player.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Multi-Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer: Experiment with using all three channels simultaneously for complex music compositions.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Envelope Modulation: Use the built-in envelope generator of the AY-3-8913 to create dynamic effects like tremolo or fade-in/out.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]MIDI Interface: Connect a MIDI interface to the Arduino, allowing the synthesizer to be controlled by a keyboard or other MIDI device.


The AY-3-8913 offers a unique opportunity for DIY electronics enthusiasts to explore the world of retro sound synthesis. By building a simple sound synthesizer, you can experiment with creating classic chiptune sounds, learn about audio signal processing, and gain insight into the programming and interfacing of legacy sound hardware. Whether for fun, music creation, or educational purposes, working with the AY-3-8913 is a rewarding experience that connects modern hobbyists with the nostalgia of vintage computing and gaming.