Designing a Digital Voltmeter Using RDC19222-203 Display

Designing a Digital Voltmeter Using RDC19222-203 Display


5 min read

In the world of electronics, a digital voltmeter (DVM) is an essential tool for measuring electrical potential differences. Whether you're troubleshooting a circuit, calibrating devices, or simply monitoring voltage levels in various applications, a DVM allows for precise voltage readings. In this article, we will design and build a DIY Digital Voltmeter using the RDC19222-203 seven-segment display and other basic components. The project will give you hands-on experience with interfacing displays, analog-to-digital conversion, and microcontroller programming.

Understanding the RDC19222-203 Display

The RDC19222-203 is a seven-segment display module commonly used for numerical display applications. It’s typically used for displaying numerical values in digital form. Some key features include:

High Brightness: Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

Low Power Consumption: Efficient for battery-operated devices.

Common Cathode Configuration: Each segment is controlled via a low voltage signal to ground.

Multiple Digits: Can display multi-digit numerical values, which is ideal for voltage measurements.

Given these features, the RDC19222-203 is a perfect choice for creating a simple, yet effective, digital voltmeter.

Project Overview

In this project, we will create a Digital Voltmeter using the RDC19222-203 display, an Arduino microcontroller, and a few other basic components. The goal is to measure a DC voltage (from 0V to 5V) and display the corresponding value on the RDC19222-203, with up to 3 digits of precision.

Components Required

  1. RDC19222-203 Seven-Segment Display (3-digit) - 1 unit

  2. Arduino Uno (or similar microcontroller) - 1 unit

  3. 10kΩ Potentiometer - 1 unit (for adjusting the voltage input)

  4. Resistors:

● 220Ω - 3 units (for current limiting to the segments)

● 1kΩ - 1 unit (for the reference voltage divider)

  1. Capacitors:

● 0.1µF - 1 unit (for power supply decoupling)

  1. Breadboard and Jumper Wires

  2. Power Supply (5V, preferably USB from Arduino)

Circuit Design

1. Connecting the RDC19222-203 Display

The RDC19222-203 is a common cathode display, meaning the cathode of all the segments is tied together and must be connected to ground. Each of the seven segments (labeled a to g) can be controlled by sending a voltage to its corresponding anode. The Arduino will control which segments light up to form numbers.

Here’s how to connect the display to the Arduino:

A to G pins of the display: Connect each to one of the Arduino’s digital output pins (we will use pins 2 through 8).

Common Cathode (COM) pin: Connect this pin to ground.

Each segment of the display corresponds to one of the seven LEDs in the seven-segment display. For example, to display the number "1", only segments "b" and "c" will be lit.

2. Voltage Measurement Circuit

We will use the Arduino’s ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) to measure the input voltage. The Arduino has a 10-bit ADC, meaning it can measure voltages between 0V and 5V and output values from 0 to 1023. The formula for converting the ADC value to voltage is:

To get the correct reading from the ADC, we will use a simple voltage divider circuit with a 10kΩ potentiometer to vary the voltage.

3. Voltage Divider

To simulate different voltage inputs for testing purposes, connect a potentiometer in a voltage divider configuration. This allows you to adjust the voltage that goes to the Arduino’s analog input pin A0.

● One side of the potentiometer goes to 5V.

● The other side goes to ground.

● The wiper (middle pin) goes to the analog input pin A0 on the Arduino.

4. Current Limiting Resistors

To ensure that we do not damage the display or the Arduino, we will use 220Ω resistors in series with each segment of the RDC19222-203 display to limit the current flowing through the LEDs.

Arduino Code

Now let’s write the Arduino code to measure the input voltage, convert it to a digital value, and display it on the RDC19222-203 display. We’ll use a function to map the ADC values to a readable voltage value and display the result on the three digits of the seven-segment display.

Code Explanation:

  1. Define the Display Segments: We’ll map Arduino pins to the segments of the RDC19222-203.

  2. Read the Voltage: Use the analogRead() function to read the input voltage from pin A0.

  3. Convert to Voltage: Map the ADC reading to the corresponding voltage.

  4. Display the Voltage: Convert the voltage into digits and control which segments to light up for each digit.

Here is the Arduino code:

Testing the Digital Voltmeter

  1. Upload the Code: Connect the Arduino to your computer and upload the code using the Arduino IDE.

  2. Adjust the Potentiometer: Use the 10kΩ potentiometer to vary the voltage at A0 and observe the voltage reading on the RDC19222-203 display.

  3. Voltage Readings: The display should show voltage values up to 5.00V with two decimal places.

  4. Serial Monitor: Open the Arduino Serial Monitor to see the voltage value printed to the console in real-time.

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Display Not Working: Check the wiring of the display, especially the common cathode pin and the segment pins.

  2. Incorrect Voltage Reading: Ensure the analog input is connected to the correct pin and that the potentiometer is functioning correctly.

  3. Flickering Display: If the display flickers, try adding a small 0.1µF capacitor across the power supply to stabilize the voltage.

Applications and Enhancements

Portable Voltmeter: Use a battery pack to make the voltmeter portable for field testing.

High-Precision Measurement: Use a higher-resolution ADC or an external ADC for more precise measurements.

Multiple Ranges: Implement different voltage ranges (e.g., 0-10V or 0-50V) using a switch and scaling the input voltage.

Data Logging: Use an SD card module to log voltage readings over time.


The DIY Digital Voltmeter using the RDC19222-203 seven-segment display provides a great introduction to digital electronics and microcontroller programming. By following the steps outlined in this project, you will gain practical experience with voltage measurement, ADC conversion, and display interfacing.

This project is an excellent way to deepen your understanding of electronics, whether you're a beginner looking to build a functional tool or an advanced maker exploring the integration of displays with microcontrollers.