Building a Digital Clock Using YM6013

Building a Digital Clock Using YM6013


6 min read

In the world of DIY electronics, creating a functional and visually interesting project is a rewarding experience that allows you to explore different components and techniques. One such exciting project is building a digital clock using the YM6013, a versatile Integrated Circuit (IC) that can drive 7-segment displays to show time in a digital format. This project will walk you through how to design and assemble a simple digital clock, utilizing a YM6013, basic electronics components, and a few tools.

Project Overview

The YM6013 is a chip designed for use in digital clocks, specifically for controlling 7-segment displays. This chip handles the logic needed to drive the displays, making it an ideal candidate for a DIY clock. Our digital clock will feature:

● A 4-digit 7-segment display for hours and minutes (HH:MM format)

● A basic 12-hour format clock with AM/PM indication

● A circuit powered by a simple DC power supply

● No code or complex algorithms involved, as the YM6013 handles all the heavy lifting for the time display

This project is well-suited for electronics enthusiasts who want to create something functional without getting into programming or microcontroller complexities. It also allows you to explore the inner workings of digital clocks, how 7-segment displays are driven, and how the YM6013 IC operates in real-world applications.

Materials Required

  1. YM6013 IC – The central component to control the 7-segment displays.

  2. 4-digit 7-segment display – For displaying the time (two digits for the hour, two for minutes).

  3. Crystal oscillator (32.768kHz) – To keep accurate time.

  4. Resistors – Various resistors for current limiting and biasing.

  5. Capacitors – For decoupling and noise filtering.

  6. Transistor – NPN transistors (such as 2N2222) for driving the 7-segment display.

  7. Diodes – For protection and rectification.

  8. PCB or Breadboard – For mounting components and wiring.

  9. Power Supply – 5V DC for the circuit (could be via a battery or adapter).

  10. Pushbuttons – For setting the time and switching between AM/PM.

  11. Soldering iron and basic tools – For assembling the components.

Step 1: Preparing the YM6013 IC

The YM6013 IC is a specialized component designed to handle the complexities of driving 7-segment displays, making it perfect for a DIY digital clock. This chip typically comes in a small package and can control up to 4 digits on the 7-segment display.

Before diving into wiring the circuit, it's important to understand the layout and pin configuration of the YM6013. Here is a quick rundown:

Pins 1-8: These are connected to the segments of the 7-segment displays, each pin controlling one segment of all four digits.

Pins 9-12: These pins connect to the anodes or cathodes of the individual digits.

Pins 13-16: These are connected to the clock and control signals for the timekeeping function.

Pin 17: This is typically the power supply pin, which will be connected to the +5V power source.

Pin 18: This is the ground (GND) pin.

You don’t need to write code to operate this chip; the YM6013 is designed to generate the clock's timekeeping signals internally.

Step 2: Wiring the 7-Segment Displays

The next major step is to wire the 7-segment displays to the YM6013. Since each display consists of seven segments (labeled a-g), and the YM6013 has outputs for each of these segments, you’ll need to connect each output pin from the YM6013 to the corresponding segment pin on each display.

To minimize complexity, it’s recommended to use common-cathode 7-segment displays. This configuration means that the cathodes of the segments are common to all the digits, and you can control them by turning on the respective segments.

Here’s how you can wire it:

  1. Segments a-g (pins 1-7 on YM6013): These go to the a-g pins of the 7-segment displays, each pin controlling a specific segment.

  2. Digit Control Pins (pins 9-12 on YM6013): These pins will control the individual digits. The YM6013 will automatically multiplex the four digits, lighting up one digit at a time in quick succession to create the illusion of all digits being displayed simultaneously.

Since the YM6013 is already designed to handle multiplexing, you don’t need to worry about that. The IC will cycle through each digit, lighting up the appropriate segments to form the numbers.

Step 3: Powering the Circuit

The YM6013 requires a stable 5V DC supply to operate correctly. You can either use a regulated 5V power adapter or a battery pack that provides the appropriate voltage. It’s crucial to ensure that the power supply can deliver enough current to drive both the YM6013 and the 7-segment displays.

Power pin (Pin 17 on YM6013) should be connected to the positive terminal of the power supply.

Ground pin (Pin 18) should be connected to the negative terminal.

If you're using a regulated 5V power supply, you can connect the positive terminal of the supply to Pin 17 and the negative terminal to Pin 18. Be sure to double-check the polarity before powering the circuit to avoid damaging components.

Step 4: Setting the Time

Setting the time on the clock will require a simple input mechanism, typically a pair of pushbuttons—one for setting the hour and another for setting the minutes. These buttons will send signals to the YM6013, which will interpret them and adjust the displayed time.

Here’s how to integrate these buttons into the circuit:

  1. Hour Set Button: This button will increment the hour by one when pressed. If the time is 12:00 PM, pressing this button will change it to 1:00 PM, and so on.

  2. Minute Set Button: This button will increment the minutes by one. Each press will increase the minute by one, and when it reaches 60, the hour will increment automatically.

  3. AM/PM Button (Optional): If you want to include AM/PM functionality, you can wire an additional button to toggle between AM and PM.

Each of these buttons should be connected to the YM6013 in such a way that pressing the button will trigger a change in the internal time register. The clock will then update the display accordingly.

Step 5: Final Assembly

Once all components are connected, it’s time to assemble everything onto a PCB or breadboard. Carefully place the YM6013 and the 7-segment displays, ensuring each component is securely soldered or placed.

Use a multimeter to check for any shorts or misconnected pins before powering up the circuit. When everything is in place, power up the clock. The YM6013 will automatically start counting time from its internal oscillator, displaying the time on the 7-segment displays.

Step 6: Testing and Troubleshooting

Once the circuit is powered up, the display should show the current time. Test the buttons to ensure that they increment the hour and minute correctly. If the display flickers or doesn't update properly, check the wiring for any loose connections.

You can also test the clock’s time-keeping accuracy by comparing it to a known reference time. If necessary, you can tweak the circuit by adjusting the crystal oscillator or replacing any faulty components.


Building a digital clock using the YM6013 IC is a satisfying and educational DIY electronics project. By following the steps outlined above, you’ll be able to create a functional digital clock that doesn’t require coding or complex microcontroller programming. Instead, you get to explore how an integrated chip like the YM6013 can handle the heavy lifting of timekeeping and display management, allowing you to focus on the physical assembly and wiring of the components.

This project is not only a great introduction to electronics for hobbyists, but it also gives you a working, real-world example of how digital clocks operate. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced DIYer, this project is an enjoyable way to learn more about electronics, circuit design, and the fascinating world of timekeeping.